The links provided here are to the ORIGINAL Documents, and are provided here are to inform interested persons.
Please use your Browser navigation buttons to view the different links to the various articles.

Latest Goings on: MUST read. ~MPs told of police intrigue and heroin~

~~Carr'sTERROR law~~ Be warned; Carr's terror law is an ABUSE of POWER. (courtesy - The Sydney Morning Herald)

Bob Carr, abuse of Power!.

A futher article on the Bill

This is the full text of the Bill, it speaks for itself.

A further article on the now passed Terror Bill.

This article about a bent copper

The truth about NSW Police is coming out.

a bent cop was sacked by NSW Police. He appealed:(Click link and read story)

appeal against conviction for Fraud by an ex officer.

copper obtaining information about a person through the Police computer.

another corrupt officer appeals against his dismissal in the NSW Industrial Commission:

Police appeals against his dismisal from NSW Police - for sexual assault of 3 girls in a Police Station -

A newspaper article on NSW police and drugs:

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